As you may know college students on occasion run low on the dollar dollar bills but they still have to you know eat food so they can read books and go to class and learn lots and lots. So we’re asking them, “Hey when all the chips are down what is your go to I don’t have a lot of money right now but I need to eat desperation meal that doesn’t break the bank. Lets find out what they had to say.”
Dave: It’s a beautiful day at Appalachian State and I am Dave Blanks out here…well…I’m near the mall. I’m actually by the bell…the bell in front of Anne Belk. We’ve talked it over and we think we came up with a cooler name for the show. So the Bell henceforth will know the show from here on out from as Dave. But anyway…today’s question…as you may know college students on occasion run low on the dollar dollar bills but they still have to you know eat food so they can read books and go to class and learn lots and lots. So we’re asking them, “Hey when all the chips are down what is your go to I don’t have a lot of money right now but I need to eat desperation meal that doesn’t break the bank. Lets find out what they had to say.”
Voice 1: Rice and Beans! Cascades rice and beans! High in protein high in nutrients and you can get a lot for a little bit.
Voice 2: Ramen.
Dave: Ramen?
Voice 2: Just Ramen I don’t even need the seasoning. I mean if it comes with the seasoning I’ll eat it but if I got to just eat the noodles I’ll do it.
Voice 3: I usually like to get some chicken cheese and rice and make my own ACP. It’s not as good as Los or Dos or Cilantros but it’s cheaper and I get three meals of it so.
Voice 4: maybe Cookout is definitely a good deal because you get so much food for such a small amount of money so…
Voice 5: I would get some Ramen from the market because it’s like under a dollar for a packet I think.
Voice 6: It’s got to be Cookout…the Cookout Tray.
Dave: What are your sides?
Voice 6: I do double fries.
Dave: Plain fries or the Cajun fries?
Voice 6: Plain fries
Dave: Double burger or the ¼ pound?
Voice 6: I do Double Burger
Dave: Me too!
Voice 7: When I’m trying not to spend a lot of cash I like to eat black beans in a can that are in my cabinet.
Voice 8: I usually go for a ham sandwich with a slice of cheese. Pretty simple.
Dave: Thank you for your answer. Have a good day man. Okay I’m walking away from the bell. I know I’m supposed to be by the bell but there is nobody by the bell.
Voice 9: Canned food is really good like Campbell’s soup. That’s a dollar. You know?
Voice 10: I eat a lot of chicken. I eat a lot of like chicken fajitas. I like to make my own.
Voice 11: uhhhhhhhh
Dave: Do you know what you usually eat?
Voice 11: No hahahaha
Voice 12: When I’m trying to save money I eat Ramen
Voice 13: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese from Food Lion when it’s on sale.
Voice 14: I buy ramen noodles when I’m trying to save money.
Voice 15: Oates…Protein powder helps a lot.
Voice 16: I like to go to Cookout.
Voice 17: Basically rice and beans. I’m vegetarian so that’s like the go to cheap thing is rice and beans.
Voice 18: I guess when I’m trying to save money I eat a lot of mac and cheese and carrots.
Dave: Carrots!?
Voice 18: Haha Yeah because they’re not that expensive when you buy them in a really big bunch and they’re good for you.
Voice 19: Well when I’m trying to save money I usually eat like rice and chicken
Voice 20: When I’m trying to save money I usually go for pizza because it last a couple of days.
Dave: Pizza from where?
Voice 20: Either Hungry Howies or Dominos.
Dave: What kind of crust do you like to get at Hungry Howies?
Voice 20: Garlic.
Dave: The traditional garlic crust. You can’t beat it!
Voice 20: Because then you can use it as a dipping sticks too.
Dave: YES! Thank you for your answer. Have a good day.
Voice 21: I would say rice beans peanut butter.
Voice 22: Probably like in Cascades they have the rice and beans special. That ones good.
Dave: How much is the rice and beans?
Voice 22: It’s like $2.50 I think…
Voice 23: Well when I’m a little low on cash I like to eat Ramen noodles.
Dave: Is there any particular flavor of Ramen you like a lot?
Voice 23: Chicken.
Dave: Chicken Ramen…Do you add anything to your Ramen.
Voice 23: Hot Sauce.
Dave: What kind of hot sauce?
Voice 23: Texas Pete
Dave: Spicy Chicken Ramen!
Voice 23: Yeah!
Dave: Have you ever had the spicy Ramen?
Voice 23: No
Dave: What do you think about the shrimp Ramen?
Voice 23: Never tried it.
Dave: What about the beef Ramen?
Voice 23: Not a fan.
Dave: Roast Beef Ramen?
Voice 23: It’s all right.
Dave: Creamy Chicken Ramen?
Voice 23: Awww that’s good that’s good stuff yeah.
Dave: Do you like the Creamy Chicken Ramen better than the regular Ramen?
Voice 23: Hmmm Not really.
Dave: Either way?
Voice 23: yeah.
Dave: Thank you for your answer. Have a good day.
Voice 24: When I’m trying to save money I eat Ramen noodles.
Dave: Any particular Ramen you like best?
Voice 24: Chicken flavor.
Dave: Do you add anything to you Ramen noodles?
Voice 24: Water.
Voice 25: Okay when I’m trying not to spend a lot of money I get beans and rice a Trivette because they don’t weigh it.
Dave: Really? They don’t weight it but do they weigh it at Cascades.
Voice 25: They weigh the toppings at Cascades.
Dave: But Trivette…it’s like no holds barred.
Voice 25: Yes.
Dave: It’s like the Wild West.
Voice 25: Exactly.
Dave: I had no idea.
Voice 26: I think oatmeal is the option.
Dave: Oatmeal like for dinner??
Voice 26: yeah. I’ll eat oatmeal any meal.
Dave: Constant oatmeal.
Voice 26: It’s cheap and it tastes good…different flavors…Quaker Oats is usually pretty good.
Dave: Wholesome Quaker Oatmeal?
Voice 26: Yeah Definitely.
Dave: Reduces the risk of diabetes.
Voice 26: Yes. Hahira
Dave: Thanks for your answer. Have a good day.
Dave: That wraps up the informal survey for today everybody and…thought provoking answers. I guess when we look back we see that yes there were some fajita answers some chicken answers…a lot of beans and rice. But I think… right at the Top….Ramen see what I did there? Top Ramen. That’s all the time I have I’m Dave Blanks and this has been Dave by the Bell.
Thanks to: Ally, John, Jason, Katrina, Sam, Austin, Caleb, Savannah, Bryce, Veda, Christian, Hannah, David, Dylan, Joseph, Adam, Nicole, Marie, Emily, Lisa, Patrick, Rachel, Kara, Sarah, Sylva and Griffin
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