BOONE, N.C. — During its March 29 meeting, the Appalachian State University Board of Trustees conferred emeriti status on 10 individuals and approved the promotion and/or tenure of 54 additional faculty members.
“Promotion and tenure ensure faculty are retained and academic freedom is safeguarded, further advancing the quality of teaching and research at Appalachian,” said Dr. Darrell Kruger, provost and executive vice chancellor at Appalachian. “Post-tenure review serves to enhance that quality by providing support and opportunities for faculty development, while faculty emeriti status plays a significant role in keeping our retiring faculty connected to Appalachian and engaged with their departments.”
Faculty emeriti status
According to the Appalachian State University Faculty Handbook, “Emeritus faculty status may be awarded to honor a faculty member who is retired or resigns due to a long-term disability and has had a distinguished professional career and has made significant contributions to Appalachian State University.”
Emeriti status was received by the following individuals:
- Dr. Ellen Carpenter
Professor Emerita, Department of Family and Child Studies, 24 years - Dr. Dennis Grady
Professor Emeritus, Department of Government and Justice Studies, 29 years - Dr. Alan Hauser
Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy and Religion, 46 years - Dr. William Hutchins
Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy and Religion, 40 years - Dr. Sarah Jordan
Professor Emerita, Department of Nutrition and Health Care Management, 15 years - Dr. Anita Kitchens
Professor Emerita, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 45 years - Dr. Larry Kitchens
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 46 years - Dr. Rich Pouder
Professor Emeritus, Department of Management, 18 years - Dr. Gregory Reck
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, 46 years - Dr. Stephen Williams
Professor Emeritus, A.R. Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences, 35 years
The following faculty members were promoted to the rank of either associate professor or professor. Stringent requirements are in place for faculty to receive these ranks, which include years of appropriate experience, skill in teaching, research and professional service.
Beaver College of Health Sciences
- Dr. Ashley Goodman
Department of Health and Exercise Science - Dr. Alan Needle
Department of Health and Exercise Science - Dr. Caroline Smith
Department of Health and Exercise Science - Dr. Dana Brackney
Department of Nursing - Dr. lryna Sharaievska
Department of Recreation Management and Physical Education - Dr. Robert Broce
Department of Social Work - Dr. Leah Hamilton
Department of Social Work - Dr. Peter Fawson
Department of Social Work - Dr. Denise Levy
Department of Social Work
College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Timothy Smith
Department of Anthropology - Dr. Dana Powell
Department of Anthropology - Dr. Suzanna Brauer
Department of Biology - Dr. Michael Madritch
Department of Biology - Dr. Lynn Siefferman
Department of Biology - Dr. Kristan Cockerill
Department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies - Dr. Colin Ramsey
Department of English - Dr. Saskia Van de Gevel
Department of Geography and Planning - Dr. Sarah Carmichael
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences - Dr. Scott Marshall
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences - Dr. William Hicks
Department of Government and Justice Studies - Dr. Kristin Deathridge
Department of History - Dr. Irina Barclay
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
College of Fine and Applied Arts
- Frankie Flood
Department of Art - Jeana Klein
Department of Art - Joshua White
Department of Art - Dr. Shanshan Lou
Department of Communication - Dr. Thomas Mueller
Department of Communication - Dr. Chris Patti
Department of Communication - Dr. Brian Burke
Goodnight Family Department of Sustainable Development - Emily Daughtridge
Department of Theatre and Dance - Cara Hagan-Gelber
Department of Theatre and Dance
Hayes School of Music
- Dr. Laurie Semmes
Reich College of Education
- Dr. Andrew Koricich
Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Dr. Barbara Howard
Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Dr. Terry McClannon
Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Dr. Vachel Miller
Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Dr. Paul Wallace
Department of Leadership and Educational Studies - Dr. Chris Van Loan
Department of Reading Education and Special Education
Walker College of Business
- Dr. Steve Leon
Department of Computer Information Systems and Supply Chain Management - Dr. Sandy Vannoy
Department of Computer Information Systems and Supply Chain Management - Dr. David McEvoy
Department of Economics - Dr. Pia Albinsson
Department of Marketing - Dr. Neel Das
Department of Marketing - Dr. Jeffrey Foreman
Department of Marketing - Dr. David Shows
Department of Marketing
University Libraries
- Greta Browning
- Jewel Davis
- Dr. Margaret Gregor
- Alex McAllister
- Kelly McCallister
Appalachian’s Board of Trustees approved the following faculty to receive tenure. According to the Faculty Handbook, “Academic tenure … refers to the protection of a faculty member against discharge from employment except for reasons of (i) incompetence, (ii) neglect of duty, or (iii) misconduct of such a nature as to indicate that the individual is unfit to continue as a member of the faculty.” The purposes of tenure are “to secure academic freedom and to help the institution attract and retain faculty members of high quality.”
Additionally, the handbook indicates the candidate must have met criteria for rank as associate professor to receive tenure, and permanent tenure is conferred at promotion to the rank of professor.
Beaver College of Health Sciences
- Dr. Alan Needle
Department of Health and Exercise Science - Dr. Caroline Smith
Department of Health and Exercise Science - Dr. Dana Brackney
Department of Nursing - Dr. Iryna Sharaievska
Department of Recreation Management and Physical Education - Dr. Robert Broce
Department of Social Work - Dr. Peter Fawson
Department of Social Work - Dr. Leah Hamilton
Department of Social Work
College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Dana Powell
Department of Anthropology - Dr. William Hicks
Department of Government and Justice Studies - Dr. Kristen Deathridge
Department of History
College of Fine and Applied Arts
- Frankie Flood
Department of Art - Joshua White
Department of Art - Dr. Shanshan Lou
Department of Communication - Dr. Chris Patti
Department of Communication - Dr. Brian Burke
Goodnight Family Department of Sustainable Development - Cara Hagan-Gelber
Department of Theatre and Dance
Reich College of Education
- Dr. Andrew Koricich
Department of Leadership and Educational Studies
Walker College of Business
- Dr. Steve Leon
Department of Computer Information Systems and Supply Chain Management - Dr. Rajat Panwar
Department of Management - Dr. Jeffrey Foreman
Department of Marketing - Dr. David Shows
Department of Marketing
University Libraries
- Greta Browning
- Jewel Davis
- Alex McAllister
- Kelly McCallister
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About Appalachian’s Board of Trustees
The Appalachian State University Board of Trustees is a 13-member body that promotes the development of the institution within the functions prescribed by the UNC Board of Governors. The board serves as advisor to the Board of Governors on matters pertaining to the university and also serves as advisor to the chancellor concerning the management and development of Appalachian. The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are primarily defined and delegated by the Board of Governors. Individuals are appointed to four-year terms by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the UNC Board of Governors. Included as a voting member of the board is the president of Appalachian’s Student Government Association. The president of Appalachian’s Alumni Council and chairs of the Faculty Senate and Staff Senate serve as ex officio constituency representatives to the board. Learn more at http://chancellor.appstate.edu/bot.
About Appalachian State University
As a premier public institution, Appalachian State University prepares students to lead purposeful lives. App State is one of 17 campuses in the University of North Carolina System, with a national reputation for innovative teaching and opening access to a high-quality, affordable education for all. The university enrolls more than 21,000 students, has a low student-to-faculty ratio and offers more than 150 undergraduate and 80 graduate majors at its Boone and Hickory campuses and through App State Online. Learn more at https://www.appstate.edu.