BOONE, N.C. — Appalachian State University’s 11th iBackAPP Day — the university’s annual celebration of giving — took place Wednesday, March 6, raising more than $1.8 million in gifts and pledges from 2,378 donors.
Fundraising priorities included student support, critical needs, and academics and innovation. Of note, more than $1.2 million was raised for scholarships — playing a crucial role in App State’s mission to make higher education more accessible.
“It is incredibly rewarding to see the App State Community unite each year for iBackAPP, and we are grateful to everyone who helped make this year’s giving celebration such a tremendous success,” said App State Chancellor Sheri Everts.
Throughout the day, members of the App State Community were encouraged to make a gift to an area for which they are passionate, to wear black and gold and to share their App State stories with family and friends.
App State student Audrey Gay, a senior majoring in chemistry from Winston-Salem, said, “The financial support I have received (from App State) has furthered my educational and professional development by allowing me amazing opportunities during my time so far as an undergraduate student, and has set me up to pursue a doctoral degree after graduation.”
Gay was among more than 60 students who made donations during iBackAPP.
From the mountains to the valley, and beyond
Nearly 430 Mountaineers gathered at iBackAPP events held by alumni chapters locally and throughout the country, including — for the first time — at the App State Hickory campus.
Carey Fissel ’06, App State’s senior director of annual giving, opened the Hickory campus’s iBackAPP event by sharing what it means to her to invest in App State — as both an alumna and a staff member of the university.
She described her college years as being defined by the incredible connections she formed with faculty and staff, and by the community she found with her Mountaineer peers.
Fissel said, “In my current role, I am thrilled by the opportunity to help new Mountaineers have the same kind of formative experiences I enjoyed.”

Mountaineers enjoy the first iBackAPP event at App State’s Hickory campus. The reception included refreshments, networking and campus tours. Pictured, attendees gathered for photo ops at the photo booth, including Lt. Ericka Heath, who leads App State’s police division at the Hickory campus. The poster she holds reads: “iBackAPP because it provides me with a job I LOVE.” Photo submitted
Mountaineers motivating Mountaineers
Thousands of App State Community members showed their support on social media, including 250 iBackAPP Champions — individuals who volunteered to promote iBackAPP and encourage others to participate.
Additionally, 32 donors helped inspire others to give through challenge gifts — committing to make a gift once a certain number of donors contributed to a particular fund.
One such gift came from Mark Ross ’83 and Mimi Ross, who committed to donating $5,000 once 15 donors gave to the Continuing the Mission fund, which supports App State’s military-affiliated Mountaineers.
When asked why they made this gift, the couple — who are both children of veterans — shared a joint sentiment: “We are firm believers that military veterans understand the unique bond that occurs when a group of diverse individuals come together for a common cause. It’s a bond that can last a lifetime.”
By supporting App State’s Major General Edward M. Reeder Jr. Student Veteran Resource Center, they hope to ensure that military Mountaineers continue to have a space on campus dedicated to meeting their distinct needs — and recognizing their service to their country.
Creating avenues of opportunity
“Mountaineers know that the App State Experience is one of a kind,” said Jane Barghothi, vice chancellor of university advancement. “The support raised on iBackAPP Day is an investment in the future of that experience for generations of Mountaineers to come. Thank you to everyone who participated by making a gift, wearing your black and gold and sharing your App State pride.”
Gifts were made to 237 funds, with every major area at the university receiving at least one gift. Notable contributions included:
- University of North Carolina System Board of Governors member and App State alumnus C. Philip Byers ’85 helped lead fundraising efforts through a challenge gift made jointly with Joanna Faith Williams ’18 — current president of the App State New York City Alumni Chapter.
- Mark Ricks ’89, chair of App State’s Board of Trustees, made contributions to AppKIDS and the criminal justice degree program.
- Dr. Shannon Campbell, dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts, led by example by making a challenge gift to the college’s Dean’s Circle of Excellence Fund.
- Jeff Mick and Liz Mick ’81 made challenge gifts to men’s and women’s golf scholarships, the online veterinary technology degree program and the Walker College of Business Dean’s Club, in addition to a gift establishing the First Generation Business Scholarship in the Walker College of Business.
- NC Scottish Rite made challenge gifts to the Charles E. and Geneva S. Scott Scottish Rite Communication Disorders Clinic in the Beaver College of Health Sciences and to the Anderson Reading Clinic in the Reich College of Education.
- Kathryn Oszmianski Pou ’79 and Bill Pou made a gift establishing the Kathryn Oszmianski Pou Endowed Scholarship in the Walker College of Business, which will ensure support for business students in perpetuity. This scholarship will cover a significant portion of tuition and fees for up to four business students each year.
- Tommy Guy ’07 made a challenge gift benefitting the Computer Science Alumni Scholarship in the College of Arts and Sciences, a fund he established in 2023 to encourage other alumni to support current students in the computer science program.
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Funds to support more than 200 university programs
About iBackAPP
Appalachian State University’s annual fundraising campaign, iBackAPP, began in 2014 and celebrates the people, programs and transformational experiences that make App State a truly incredible place. Alumni and friends are encouraged to give a gift of any size, wear their black and gold, and share the word about their App State pride with the hashtag #iBackAPP. The 2015 campaign won a Grand Award from the Council for the Support of Education (CASE) in its Alumni Relations Fundraising Project, Event or Program category.
About University Advancement
Appalachian State University’s Division of University Advancement supports and encourages the university’s mission by engaging alumni, friends and the greater community. University Advancement staff help connect these constituents with Appalachian through one-on-one contact and special programming, thereby securing the resources necessary to create the best possible learning environment for Appalachian students and to positively impact the community, region and state. The division incorporates the offices of Alumni Affairs, Development and the Appalachian State University Foundation Inc. Learn more at
About Appalachian State University
As a premier public institution, Appalachian State University prepares students to lead purposeful lives. App State is one of 17 campuses in the University of North Carolina System, with a national reputation for innovative teaching and opening access to a high-quality, affordable education for all. The university enrolls more than 21,000 students, has a low student-to-faculty ratio and offers more than 150 undergraduate and 80 graduate majors at its Boone and Hickory campuses and through App State Online. Learn more at